Tracked composting machine is a kind of large-scale dumping machine, full hydraulic operating system, lever type steering wheel operation, crawler walking, strong and durable, strong power, advanced technology, large output, strong dumping capacity, hydraulic lifting adjustment , High degree of automation, simple operation and easy to master. Tracked composting machine is a professional turning equipment for aerobic fermentation of organic materials into organic fertilizer.
Tracked composting machine belongs to the ground stacking fermentation mode, which is a fertilizer manufacturing mode that currently saves civil construction and human resources. It is necessary to make the material pile into a long bar by the track composter to periodically stir and crush the material, and decompose the organic matter under aerobic conditions. The tracked composting machine also has the crushing function, which greatly saves time and labor, which significantly improves the production efficiency and product quality of organic fertilizer plants, and greatly reduces the cost.
Turning machine is the core equipment of aerobic dynamic composting. As a new type of machine, the dumping machine has rapidly proliferated in the family of fertilizer machinery and equipment, and has become a mobile device that replaces manual and forklift to dump materials. The dumping machine is a mainstream product that affects the development trend of the compost industry.
The trough type turner is a kind of equipment for rapid aerobic fermentation of materials. Its design concept is derived from the collection of fecal waste and drying and fermentation in foreign western European intensive farms. The trough type turning machine is characterized by rapid and efficient fermentation. The trough turner not only has no specific requirements for the limitation of the work site, but also highlights the function of increasing efficiency and reducing cost in the cost accounting of organic fertilizer production.
Organic fertilizer turning machine produces a wide range of raw materials for organic fertilizer. The more common ones are cow manure, pig manure, chicken manure and other livestock manure. The organic fertilizer turning machine is suitable for aerobic fermentation and can be used in conjunction with solar fermentation chambers, fermentation tanks and transfer machines. The organic fertilizer turning machine can be used together with the transfer machine to realize the function of one machine and multiple slots.
We all know that the organic fertilizer machines need to maintain and update the consumable parts after a period of operation. After a long period of operation, the organic fertilizer machines can not avoid some minor faults. Don’t underestimate these glitches, because these glitches may cause unstable production of the organic fertilizer machines. In response to this situation, Our GATE organic fertilizer machines manufacturer introduces you to the way to ensure the normal operation of the organic fertilizer machines.
Most of the small-scale organic fertilizer equipment is the choice of aquaculture enterprises or small-scale fertilizer processing enterprises. In order to meet the pollution emission standards of aquaculture and to create benefits from the recycling of resources outside aquaculture, the aquaculture enterprises choose the processing organic fertilizer equipment, while some of the fertilizer processing enterprises increase the production line of organic fertilizer for the upgrade of fertilizer industry.
Popular Organic Fertilizers Using Organics in the soil can significantly improve soil’s physical and chemical properties so that the soil tillage will become better, seepage capacity will increase....
Wheel type Tractor compost turner can mix 400-500 cubic meters per hour,meet an organic fertilizer factory with 30 tons of finished fertilizer per day; the wheel type tractor compost turner has an energy consumption per ton of fertilizer less than 1.0 kw.the compost turner machine can work both indoor and outdoors.the windrow compost turner machine requires common diesel oil and only one operator.
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