Tracked composting machine belongs to the ground stacking fermentation mode, which is a fertilizer manufacturing mode that currently saves civil construction and human resources. It is necessary to make the material pile into a long bar by the track composter to periodically stir and crush the material, and decompose the organic matter under aerobic conditions. The tracked composting machine also has the crushing function, which greatly saves time and labor, which significantly improves the production efficiency and product quality of organic fertilizer plants, and greatly reduces the cost.
Organic fertilizer compost turner machines are available in a wide variety of applications. Such as: Groove type organic fertilizer compost turner machine, walking type throwing machine, the crawler type compost fertilizer turner machine and the like. The Groove type organic fertilizer compost turner machine is recommended for this article.
Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine is a unique equipment in the organic fertilizer industry. Its function is to periodically dig the material to provide the right amount of oxygen to the pile, restore the void ratio in the pile to promote the circulation of the air, and make the material lose moisture. Most types of Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machines also have some crushing and mixing functions during turning. According to the fermentation method, the compost fertilizer turner machine can be divided into two types: trough type and strip type; according to the working principle of the compost fertilizer turner machine, it can be divided into four types: spiral type, tooth type, chain plate type and vertical roll type; The walking mode is divided into traction type and self-propelled type. Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine is a key equipment in composting. There are many types and structures are more complicated than other equipments.
The Groove type windrow compost turner machine for fertilizer is often referred to as a rail-type turning machine. It can be used for fermenting and dumping of organic waste such as livestock and poultry manure, sludge waste, sugar mill sludge, slag cakes and straw sawdust. Groove type windrow compost turner machine for fertilizer is widely used in fermented and dehydrated operations in organic fertilizer plants, compound fertilizer plants, sludge waste plants, horticultural fields and Agaricus bisporus plants.
There are several types of Compost Turner for organic fertilizer fermentation. Each of These Compost Turners has its own advantages and disadvantages. Then, when choosing the organic fertilizer Compost Turner, how to choose, the following GATE organic fertilizer machines manufacturer share the advantages and disadvantages of Organic Fertilizer Groove Type Compost Turner and Bio Organic Fertilizer Crawler Type Compost Turner.
Compared with other compost turner machines and fermentation methods, the Groove Type Compost Turner machine has the advantages of high output, small floor space, complete material turning, rapid evaporation of water during fermentation, stable operation of equipment, and low failure rate. The Groove Type Compost Turner machine is the preferred equipment for conventional organic fertilizer fermentation.
Compared with a few years ago, organic fertilizer equipment has greatly improved in terms of environmental protection, productivity and quality reliability of slave equipment. Why the purchase of organic fertilizer equipment should be customized? This is a reasonable and appropriate choice from the project investors. What are the advantages of custom-made organic fertilizer equipment?
Organics fermenting with bio fertilizer compost turner machine in organic fertilizer production plant
Groove Type Compost Turner Capacity: 1-10 tons per hour. Groove Type Compost Turner Raw Materials: agricultural wastes, animal wastes, sludge, food wastes and some other organic wastes. Groove Type Compost Turner Applicated range: fermentation, organic fertilizer plant, complex Fertilizer plant, sludge waste plant, horticultural field and agaricus bisporus plant and so on. Groove Type Compost Turner Advantage:low energy consumption, high production efficiency, low cost and widely using
Crawler Type Compost Turner Capacity: 900-1500m³/h . Crawler Type Compost Turner Raw Materials: animal manure, poultry manure, sludge, garbage, filter mud. Crawler Type Compost Turner Applicated range: organic fertilizer production and environmental recycling. Crawler Type Compost Turner Advantage: little space required, easy operation, no need installation, easy transportation and large working capacity
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