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Detailed explanation of the performance indicators of Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine

Preface of Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine:

Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine is a unique equipment in the organic fertilizer industry. Its function is to periodically dig the material to provide the right amount of oxygen to the pile, restore the void ratio in the pile to promote the circulation of the air, and make the material lose moisture. Most types of Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machines also have some crushing and mixing functions during turning. According to the fermentation method, the compost fertilizer turner machine can be divided into two types: trough type and strip type; according to the working principle of the compost fertilizer turner machine, it can be divided into four types: spiral type, tooth type, chain plate type and vertical roll type; The walking mode is divided into traction type and self-propelled type. Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine is a key equipment in composting. There are many types and structures are more complicated than other equipments.

1. Work forward speed

Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine is the speed of advancement when turning over. During operation, the advance speed of the compost fertilizer turner machine is subject to the turning of the turning parts, which should not be greater than the length of the pile that can be turned over in the forward direction of the apparatus.

2. Turning width

Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine The width of the stack that can be turned over in one operation.

3. Turning height

Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine can handle the height of the pile. With the expansion of towns and the tightness of land resources, composting plants are increasingly interested in the indicator of the height of the organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine, because it directly relates to the height of the pile, further determining the land use efficiency. The height of the turnover of the compost turner machine has also gradually increased. At present, the throwing height of the trough turning machine is mainly 1.5 – 2m, and the strip turning machine is mostly 1-1.5 m.

4. Production capacity

Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine A material that can be processed per unit time. It can be seen that the working width, the forward speed of the work and the height of the throwing are all factors related to the production capacity. In a complete set of equipment for organic fertilizer processing, the production capacity should be matched with the processing capacity of the equipment before and after the process, and the utilization rate of the equipment should be considered.

5. Energy consumption per ton of material. The unit is kW h/t

For Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine, the special working environment is that the material processed by the compost turner machine has been undergoing aerobic fermentation, and the bulk density, particle size and water content of the material continue to change, so the compost turner machine is once every time. When turning over the pile, the working conditions are different, and the unit energy consumption is also different. The author believes that the indicator should be tested for one complete aerobic composting process, on the first day in one fermentation cycle. In the middle and last days, the Fertilizer compost turner machine was tested to calculate its energy consumption and then averaged to more accurately characterize the unit energy consumption of the Fertilizer compost turner machine.

6. The minimum clearance of the turned part

Whether it is the groove type compost turner machine or the stripping machine, most of the compost turner machine’s turning parts can be lifted and lowered, and the ground clearance can be adjusted accordingly. The minimum clearance is related to the thoroughness of the Organic fertilizer waste compost turner machine. If the minimum clearance is too large, the thick material on the bottom layer will not be turned over, the porosity will become smaller and smaller, and the anaerobic environment will be easily formed. An anaerobic fermentation occurs to produce a malodorous gas. So the smaller the indicator, the better.

7. Minimum turning radius

This indicator is for the wheel type compost turner machine. The smaller the small turning radius, the smaller the turning site to be reserved for the composting site, and the greater the land utilization rate.

8. Strip spacing

This indicator is also for the wheel type compost turner machine and is related to the utilization rate of the composting site. The traction type bar machine, the spacing of the bar is determined by the width of the tractor, and its land utilization rate is low, which is suitable for the composting plant far away from the city and low land cost. Reducing the strip gap by improving the design is a trend in the development of wheel type compost turner machine . Striping machines equipped with transverse conveyor belts have been able to shorten this spacing to a small extent, while vertical roller stripping machines have been working from the principle of The strip spacing becomes zero.

9. No-load travel speed

The no-load travel speed is related to the speed of the work, especially for the groove type compost turner machine. Many types of compost Turner machines require a no-load return to the starting end to turn over the next tank after turning over a tank of material. Producers generally expect higher idle speeds to increase equipment efficiency.


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